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Engagement with stakeholders

This is the relationship that Cemig has with all stakeholders, such as investors, customers, the community and the press.

Cemig understands as strategic the dialogue with its audiences, who affect and/or are affected by its activities. Therefore, it implements several engagement initiatives with stakeholders beyond the traditional boundaries of shareholders, employees and customers, thus including communities, authorities, media, associations and NGOs. 

  Efficient strategic initiatives within the complexity of Cemig’s value chain are essential to reinforce corporate credibility and transparency, minimize reputational risks, improve operational efficiency through harmonious collaboration with communities and local authorities, strengthen a social license to operate, as well as anticipating trends and finding new socio-environmental opportunities. 

 This strategic management of the relationship with the different stakeholders carried out by Cemig is guided by corporate policies, so that the performance is consistent for all interested parties and in all Cemig’s operations. 

 The following rules are guiding norms for engagement with stakeholders followed by Cemig:



 Cemig’s Communication and Spokespeople Policy establishes principles (item 6) and guidelines (item 7) that guide both the definition of communication strategies for Cemig’s internal and external audiences, as well as the creation of actions or communication materials for Cemig to be approached from a systemic perspective that includes the companies of the Cemig Group. Thus, each company of the Cemig Group must be considered part of the whole and cannot be treated in isolation or on a one-off basis (item 7.7).



Cemig’s Stakeholders Communication Policy has in its scope (items 1 and 1.1) an explanation of the guidelines that guide its communication strategy in relationship initiatives with the audiences. Its scope (item 2) is to establish guidelines and criteria for business decisions involving the dissemination of initiatives implemented in the communities where the Company operates and ensure that these are understood by the public with which it relates. The document includes guidelines for identifying and prioritizing stakeholders (appendix 1, item 2), for defining forms of contracting (appendix 1, item 4), for ensuring that interested parties have sufficient capacity to engage with the Company (appendix 1 , item 4), to deal with engagement risks (appendix 1, item 4) and to communicate the results of its initiatives (appendix 1, item 4).


IS – 48 is a rule that aims to establish the procedures (items 4 and 5) to be adopted by Cemig’s bodies in processes involving negotiations with interested parties, which are communities, third sector organizations, public bodies and other stakeholders on issues related to the environment and the resettlement or relocation of populations, for the implementation of new undertakings or the operation of existing undertakings, and in those processes where the adoption of this procedure is necessary.