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Global Compact

A Pact based on universal rights such as health, safety, human rights and the elimination of forced labor.

The Global Compact is an initiative proposed by the United Nations (UN) to guide companies in adopting corporate social responsibility and sustainability policies. Within this proposal, it is essential that organizations align their strategies and operations, based on 10 universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption, and develop actions that contribute to facing society’s challenges.

Since the year 2000, Cemig has supported and integrated the more than 80 networks that are part of the Global Compact, which includes more than 159 countries, in addition to Brazil. In 2009, Cemig signed the adhesion Charter to the Global Compact, publicly reinforcing its commitment.

The principles of the Global Compact guide all the relationships established as a result of the Company’s activities and are described in Cemig’s Social Responsibility Primer.

Through our Environmental Policies , We seek to use natural resources in a rational way, with adequate preservation of the environment.